#1 Victorian uni for graduate employment1
#1 in the world for sport science2
#1 Victorian uni for course satisfaction3
Could you go a week without social media? Deakin University student Ben Peck took the challenge.
Want to know how to get the top business jobs? Deakin University Chancellor John Stanhope has the answers.
Are you guilty of engaging in fat talk? This is why it’s important to stop.
Moving into your first rental home and taking on a lease? There’s a lot to consider. Check out these handy hints and tips.
What does it take to become the artistic director of The Australian Ballet? David McAllister shares his experiences.
How do you know if you’re in a healthy romantic relationship? Take a look at the bond you share with your parents for hints.
Deakin University marketing expert Dr Paul Harrison outlines the consumer experience filled with subliminal messages encouraging us to make purchases.
Listen as Dr Patrick Stokes from Deakin University’s School of Humanities & Social Sciences grapples with ethics of death in the age of social media.
Cadel Evans, the first Australian winner of the Tour de France, confesses to some of the hurdles he has had to overcome during his career.
An insight into why pursuing a perfect digital identity can have a negative affect on users’ lives.