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Try this strategy to create a more inclusive workplace culture

Looking for ways to improve gender equality at your workplace? Deakin University’s Dr Beatrice Alba provides some important tips.

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How rising vegetable prices can be used to highlight structural food system issues

Using food price as an opportunity for more structural change, public health practitioners from Deakin and VicHealth share their insights.

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Our food and drinks are packed with more sugar than ever

As time has evolved so has our sugar intake. A lot of the time we are consuming high amounts of sugar without realising, harming our health.

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Need a nature fix? Here are some tips on how to get your fix

Are you a nature lover wanting to spend more time outdoors? Deakin’s Dr Justin Lawson provides suggestions on how to get your nature fix.

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Do learning styles really exist?

We are often told to identify a learning style that suits us best. However, do they even exist? Deakin’s Dr Loch Forsyth provides further insight.

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Is your brunch order as healthy as you think?

The Melbourne brunch culture has grown considerably over the past decade. However, is your go-to brunch choice as healthy as you think?

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How aspiring artists can get the best out of social media

Are you an aspiring artist? Find out how the use of social media could aid in the promotion of your work.

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Plastic pandemic: your guide to recycling

The COVID-19 pandemic has generated over 8 million tonnes of plastic waste. Deakin’s Dr Trevor Thornton provides some eco-friendly solutions.

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Water can really provide some relief from anxiety and help us see the glass half full

Find out how water intake can improve anxiety levels and help us push through when things seem tough.

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No, chivalry is not dead – but it’s about time it was

Deakin University lecturer Beatrice Alba explores the topic of chilvary in detail, and reveals the key findings on what the research tells us.

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