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A novel way to prevent youth crime

Observations of incarcerated youth have revealed surprising similarities in what they believe led them to offend in the first place.

Listen as Dr Sophie Goldingay from Deakin University’s School of Health and Social Development explains how an innovative school program may help prevent at-risk youth from choosing a life of crime.

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'For a lot of young people, my observation is that they couldn't actually help their offending. They had real difficulties in self-regulation and problem-solving and anticipating consequences.'

Dr Sophie Goldingay,
School of Health and Social Development, Deakin University

This podcast is part of the Tram Talks series, a range of mini lectures from Deakin’s greatest thinkers – they’re all bite-size and perfect for your daily commute.

this. featured experts
Dr Sophie Goldingay
Dr Sophie Goldingay

Senior Lecturer in the School of Health and Social Development, Deakin University
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