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Campus Convos: The power of the stadium

Stadiums are where it all happens. Looking at them from a purely physical perspective, stadiums are inanimate spaces, built to let thousands of people watch live events. Maybe that’s where their power comes from? Look back at your favourite sporting memory. While it might not be at the forefront of your mind, the stadium is integral to it. The roar of the people, the green of the grass, the chill of the wind whistling through the gates and hitting you in your seat.

Michael Naraine, Lecturer in sport management at Deakin University, and ESPN’s Steph Brantz try to unravel the mystery of stadiums and sporting venues, while Patrick Dangerfield and Zach Tuohy from the Geelong Cats Football Club give us a unique insider view.

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Interested in learning more about the power of business in sport? Look into the power of a degree from Deakin University.

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Michael Naraine
Michael Naraine

Lecturer Sport Management, Faculty of Business and Law, Deakin University
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