Head of School (Research), School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Deakin University
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Ever feel like you’re a throwback to a different generation, or perhaps even born ahead of your time?
Professor Andrew Singleton, a sociologist with Deakin’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences, says characterising different generations can be tricky – for every ‘rule’ there’s someone who won’t fit the mould.
‘But it’s really true when it comes to stuff like values, beliefs, that there are generational differences,’ he says.
There are also those defining moments that shape a generation.
Baby Boomers, for instance, were known for challenging authority, and music was a focal point. ‘I think the Vietnam War was the thing around which a lot of ideas were coalescing,’ Prof. Singleton says.
Then came the Nirvana-loving Gen Xers, filled with post-`80s angst. ‘What they were rebelling against was not entirely clear.’
Next up: Millennials, tagged as the instant gratification generation, and deeply affected by the September 11 terrorism attacks.
Last but not least, Generation Z, who have never known a world without wi-fi.
Their lives are highly interconnected with technology, Prof. Singleton says. ‘It’s almost like they have two selves – one that’s here and now, and another that exists in cyberspace.’
So which generation do you belong in? Take our quiz below to find out.
Intrigued by a perpetually changing society? Explore the complexities of society and social relationships by studying sociology at Deakin.
Head of School (Research), School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Deakin University