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Melbourne graffiti

What do Melburnians love about Melbourne?

What do we love best about Melbourne? The laneways, the community, the culture, the coffee, or something else? Listen as Dr Fiona Gray from Deakin’s School of Architecture & Built Environment takes us through the findings of the 2015 Melbourne Lovability Index.

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'The character and patina of the past is important to Melburnians. Overwhelmingly the idea of "old" is associated with architecture, yet it also relates to other heritage elements such as trams, laneways and old style shops.'

Dr Fiona Gray,
Research Fellow (Urban And Design Ecologies), Deakin University

This podcast is part of the Tram Talks series, a range of mini lectures from Deakin’s greatest thinkers – they’re all bite-size and perfect for your daily commute.

this. featured experts
Dr Fiona Gray
Dr Fiona Gray

Research Fellow in Urban and Design Ecologies, School of Architecture and Built Environment, Deakin University
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