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Building paper planes is a pastime most people experience during their childhood. Some even take the paper-folding fun to the next level, testing their skills at worldwide competitions, like the Red Bull Paper Wings contest.
Whether you’re simply interested in building paper planes for fun or want to build a creation to compete with the world’s best, there’s some tips and tricks to ensure your paper plane is better than average.
In this video, Associate Professor Matthew Joordens from Deakin University’s School of Engineering applies basic engineering principles to a standard dart paper plane to demonstrate how they improve performance. Can you beat Assoc. Prof. Joordens’ effort?
Interested in learning about how engineering principles enhance other everyday items? Find out more about Deakin University’s range of innovative engineering and design courses that focus on hands-on learning and give you a unique start to your future.
School of Engineering, Deakin University
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