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Top free apps for uni students

The digital world affords us many opportunities to make the most out of our studies. With the help of these free apps, studying isn’t as daunting or difficult as you think it might be. These are the best apps to stay focused, organised and distraction-free during your day.

Best app for … getting organised

Microsoft To Do

Whether you’re planning your whole week or a group assignment, Wunderlist helps you keep track of what needs to get done through separate to-do lists, which you can tick off as you go.

Share lists with others, set handy reminders and sync the app between your phone and laptop to access your lists anytime, anywhere.

Best app for … storing your files online

Google Drive

This lets you access your uni files, photos and videos anytime and through any smartphone, tablet or computer. Giving you 15GB of free online storage, you can share your files and folders with others, and download them whenever you need.

Best app for … unwinding


Worrying about looming deadlines? Stressing over how you’ll get everything done? Calm is a meditation app to help you relax, focus and sleep better. Recommended by leading psychologists and mental health experts, it helps to reduce anxiety and de-stress.

Best app for … distraction-free study 


Distracted by Facebook? Constantly checking your Twitter feed? Endlessly scrolling Instagram? If you’ve answered yes to any of these, then for the sake of your assignments, you need SelfControl.

A perfect app for procrastinators, it allows you to block your own access to any websites you blacklist, for any specific period of time. Until then, you won’t be able to access the sites, even if you restart your computer or delete the app. Chrome users can also try the similar app, StayFocusd.

Best app for …  sleeping after screen time


Research shows that exposure to blue light from devices at night may affect your natural sleep pattern, delaying it by around an hour. So if you find it hard to fall asleep after working on your computer or being on your phone, f.lux is for you.

By changing the evening screen display on your computer to warm, not blue, f.lux helps you fall asleep peacefully at lights out. Use f.lux for your computer or use the inbuilt Night Shift mode on the iPhone or Mac – or download the similar app, Twilight, for Android.

Best app for … broadening your horizons


Learn something new and pique your curiosity with powerful and inspiring videos from TED Talks. You can explore more than 2000 TED talks from expert and influential speakers about all sorts of topics from tech and creativity to education and psychology.

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